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Property reports to help you buy with confidence

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What our reports cover

Our research-backed reports cover everything you need to make the most informed purchase decision.

Overall property rating

We’ll prepare a summary of a property you are considering purchasing based on important criteria and give you an opinion of value.

Floor plan review

Often overlooked by purchasers, we provide commentary about each room, whether it will furnish comfortably and perform its function.

Livability rating

How much natural light and ventilation the living spaces will receive based on aspect, door/window placement and room shape?

Location analysis

How desirable is the location for your needs or a future purchaser’s? How close are schools, shopping, transport and more.

Development/renovation potential

What’s the zoning of the property, can a renovation of rooms or an extension make the property significantly better?

Comparison vs recent sales and listings

Is the property worth what they are asking? What factors make it inferior or superior to others?

Get the ball rolling and find the perfect property with reports in only 48 hours

The added benefits

An independant, professional opinion

We are genuinely passionate about property and making a difference in our clients lives.

Know what it's really worth

We compare and assess the property you are interested in using our access to multiple databases and overlay that with our expertise in what makes a good property to give you an idea if the property is value for money in the current market.

Attention to detail

We often see things that are overlooked or not considered important to someone on a first or second inspection. Because we do this regularly our minds are drawn to those things that we know are key.

Understand the importance of livability

Our expertise in floor plan design gives us an edge to understand how rooms furnish and to make sure there is circulation space to walk through and areas to create natural conversation and entertainment spaces. Consideration of natural light and ventilation is also vitally important.

Avoid making costly mistakes

Our reports can help you get a much clearer picture of whether a property stacks up or not and therefore help you make the best decision. We’ve seen many mistakes made by purchasers across the years and the cost of making a bad decision can be in the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Industry insights at your fingertips

Download our FREE eBooks. We’ve given you a head start and insider’s knowledge on what makes a good property and why some properties are better than others.

Why many new apartments aren’t worth buying

This property guide will help identify which apartments are worth buying and what features makes them better.

Download eBook

Why some houses perform better than others, even in the same suburb

This guide provides our insiders knowledge to help choose the best property for your budget and future needs.

Download eBook

Want the full service of a Buyer’s Advocate?

We also offer Buyer’s Advocacy services in addition to property reports.
Visit Specific Property to view our service and how we can assist.

Why our customers love us

Start smart.
Finish better.

Our research-backed property reports will help you buy better from the start. The information will give you comfort to make a smart decision.